Well, here it is. All of the parts are basically installed. I have two bolts that I did not label. I am still looking at where they go... oops. I think one holds the battery in place, and the other has me stumped for now. I will figure them out this week.
Dave came over a few wekes ago and helped me reinsert the engine. Since then I have plugged bolts in, torqued them down, found homes for wires (there are a lot of them) and greased and oiled things up.
The only things still wanting are the front blinkers, The fuel lines and hiding the rats nest that used to fit inside the single headlamp bucket.
I can ride without blinkers for now and am thinking about getting a tool bag for the front forks to hide the wiring. The Fuel line is problematic because it used to have vacuum system on it which was removed by a previous owner. I am waiting for a fuel "T" connector so that I can install the lines and then it will be time to start it up.
Last thing to look at (barring other troubles that may arise) are the brakes. They are installed and have been bled, but still seem weak.
Other than that, I will post again as soon as I am able to test the engine.
Still looking for a good name for this thing.