Monday, February 9, 2009

Where did all this grime come from?

Judging from the amount of grease, grime and road tar I have removed from the verious parts of my bike parts over the last few days, I have to assume that the roads are much dirtier than they look.

Here is the final drive, after a good bit of scrubbing. Still have a lot to go.

I have been cleaning, primering and painting bits and piece of the bike and hope to have the pistons honed and in spec this coming weekend. 

The Clutch cover, painted with high telp (1300F) flat black

This is the first color piece, I am using an CAST IRON color of ceramic engine paint with the same type of clear coat. It has a slight yellow tint when it cures, but it is not too bad.

I am going to paint the entire engine a flat black and sand the fins back the the aluminum. Should look pretty cool. Picks to follow.

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