Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Registration and Insurance

I am not sure how the rest of you are handling President Obama's "Recovery" plan, but here in the Christensen house, we are recovering from the Obamination by cutting things back considerably. Prices on everything seem to be soaring. It seems that we can barely feed the family on less than $200 a week. A year ago we could leave the store for less than $100. Anyhow, I am sure the President has everything under control and we have nothing to worry about... Ha!

One of the things we have had to cut has been motorcycle insurance. Because I often take the kids here or there through out the week and a solo seat motorcycle is not ideal for that, we have decided to put the bike in mothballs for a bit, at least until the warm weather makes it impossible to keep the bike in the garage.

To occupy myself, I have been working on the 3D build of the bike. here it is, almost complete. I am pretty proud of it. It still needs some work and I am still working on the digital version of me, so I can ride it, but I am kind of proud of this model.

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